Wellbeing And Mental Health Bootcamp

Who Is This Course For?

Reception Teachers, and Teaching Assistants

Preschool Practitioners

Preschool Teachers, and Teaching Assistants

Two-Year Old Practitioners

EYFS Leaders

Literacy Coordinators

Key Stage 1 Teachers, and Teaching Assistants


Key Stage 1 Leaders

What Does It Cover?

This course presents a practical toolkit of strategies and ideas to enhance child and adult mental health.

It demonstrates multiple ways to integrate mindful practices into your setting. These will result in healthier, happier children that are able to learn much more effectively.

There is information about brain function, and what mindfulness is.

It deals with how to enhance your environment for mindfulness, how to engage parents, and what mindful strategies and games work best.

What Is Its Aim?


There is a practical approach to this workshop, and many games and strategies are ‘tried out’ to strengthen understanding and inspiration.

Attendees will leave with a full understanding of how to adapt their provision in the simplest way to quickly embrace mindfulness and wellbeing. They will also have a comprehensive toolkit of tried and tested mindfulness games and activities that cover the entire curriculum.

There are numerous strategies to help staff wellbeing, as well as child mental health.

What Is Its Content?


A sneak peek inside the course…

-Attendees will experience the ‘Inner Stress Bucket’ approach, and practice this strategy on themselves

-Learn a multitude of mindful literacy games, breathing games, yoga, massage, mindful movement, and more…

-Find out how mindfulness impacts the whole curriculum

-Be inspired by looking at other mindful learning environments

-How to engage parents and embed a mindful culture

Who Delivers This Course?


This course is delivered by Kelly Sheils. Kelly is the author of ‘101 Mindfulness Games For Happy Minds’, and a qualified Mental Health First Aider. She is a Relax Kids Coach, and former Quality Manager for a large chain of private nurseries. You can check out her biography page here. 

Prices For Inhouse Courses


All of our courses are available as inhouse training sessions, delivered in an identical way to the open training courses. Sessions normally last 2 hours, although they could be shortened or lengthened depending on your needs. Courses could be delivered to a very small number of staff, or for as many as you like. The courses work really well as twilights because they are fun, practical and hands-on, the perfect formula for practitioners that will have been working all day. We can deliver all courses as INSET days, school staff meetings, or nursery twilights.

Price for a 2 hour training session after school/twilight – £275 (+VAT)

Price for a 2 hour training session in morning or afternoon – £325 (+VAT)

Full day inhouse training session – £550 (+VAT)

This price includes up to 20 staff. After this there is an extra charge of £15 a head. 

There is a £50 charge for training courses that take place more than a 1 hour drive from the trainer’s residence. There is a £125 charge for training taking place more than a 2 hour drive from the trainer’s residence. These charges are just for travel and potential hotel costs.

To enquire about availability and book an inhouse training session, you can contact us in one of two ways:

1. Use the contact form that you can find by clicking the green ‘Book This Course Inhouse’ button above.

2. Alternatively, email hello@earlyimpactlearning.com with details of what you are looking for.