Who is this course for?
Preschool Practitioners
Preschool Teachers, and Teaching Assistants
Reception Teachers, and Teaching Assistants
Two-Year Old Practitioners
EYFS Leaders
PSED Coordinators
(Some Key Stage One practitioners may benefit from this course, especially if working with lower ability children or children with listening and attention difficulties)
What does it cover?
PSED underpins everything in children’s education and their lives. This course provides multiple practical strategies and games to develop the key skills of life – cooperation, communication, memory, teamwork, positive behaviour and listening.
There is a big emphasis on key-worker small group games, using simple every day resources. These games, in short adult-led contexts, drive forward skills that can be embedded more deeply in continuous provision.
How to develop cooperation in continuous provision is brought in through imaginative strategies and activities.
There are whole-group activities that engage all learners simulaneously, and develop key interactions between them.
The big focus is about demonstrating child-friendly and exciting learning strategies, that can really help develop the crucial skills of that underpin all other learning.
What is its aim?
Practitioners will come away for a comprehensive tool-kit of adult led and child-led activities and games developing core skills in listening, cooperation and behaviour.
This course is ideal for all practitioners working with children aged 2-5, and is also beneficial for anyone working with children older than this with behavioural issues, SEN or listening and attention difficulties.
The games and activities are designed to require very little, if any, preparation, and often use resources that are easily found or already to hand. With a very minimal budget, your team can be bringing to life numerous learning opportunities that have a huge impact on PSED, and on learning across the curriculum as a consequence.
What is its content?
A sneak peak inside the course:
The practical workshop opens with a multitude of fun balloon games. These games are brilliant for developing coordination, teamwork and communication skills. Importantly, balloons are super simple, but also fun. Children are engaged and want to try them out.
Similarly, many children are extremely motivated by ball games, despite not being so interested in other things. We explore a range of fun ball games that develop physical skills, and are also great at engaging learners in cooperative play. These are also good for non-verbal learners, or EAL children.
We attempt several adult-led games for larger numbers of children, that act like team-builders and develop cooperation skills. One of these is ‘snowball’, a fantastic game for confidence, cooperation, eye contact and teamwork.
We attempt a team mark-making game that combines cooperation, memory, teamwork, and simple fine motor skills.
We explore several strategies and games that are brilliant for continuous provision or more child-led based learning. One of these is bubble games. There are a multitude of games using bubbles that help children play effectively with others. These games also develop deep breathing strategies, curiosity and a sense of awe and wonder.
The course acts out a range of exciting circle time games. These support core skills such as listening, taking turns, eye contact and thinking about emotions. For example, Don’t Wake The Monkey or the Sleeping Giant game are games that develop a plethora of skills.
We will try out numerous physical development activities, such as The Train Game and the Stepping Stones Game.
We finish with some parachute games – a mixture of some old classics and some more original material combined. For example, Fruit Salad, Shark Attack, and the Snakes game are all brought to life.
What do people say about this course?
“Practical age appropriate fun activities. Hands on so unforgettable, and really easy to implement at school. All fabulous, and refreshing new ideas. Thank you for a valuable course. I really enjoyed it!” Lucky Buck, EYFS Leader, St Andrews C of E School, Preston
“Great presenter! Put us at ease and we had fun. Thanks for today! I really enjoyed it and wil take all the ideas back and give them a try.” Natalie Armitage, Reception Teacher, Chorley
“Great course content with lots of useful ideas and games that can be adapted for various age-groups. All of the strategies are useful. The memory games will be fantastic for our Reception children.” Gill Bailey, Heygreen Primary