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Welcome to Early Impact

The Leading Provider of Practical Early Education Training

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Online Training Courses

Targeting key areas of the early years, our courses are designed to fully flexible so they can fit around busy lives. 

6 Books

Having been read by more than 20,000+ people and counting, check out our range of early years books.

About Us

Early Impact is an award-winning early education training company. We are a team of teaching experts, who have worked as teachers, consultants, course-leaders, authors, and bloggers. We provide high-quality free information through our inspirational blog for all teachers and parents of children aged 0-7. We have also authored best-selling books, and have a range of top-notch online training resources. Come on in and take a look around!

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Our Strategy


Our courses are fast-paced, and highly hands-on. It is an interactive experience, to maximise results. Early years specialists demonstrate ideas that are road-tested.


We provide a systematic framework that gets you from A to B in the shortest possible time. The emphasis is on quick wins, and resources and activities you can set up with the minimum of fuss.


Our courses are an opportunity to start debate, inspire you with imaginative ideas, and set you off on a journey full of motivation and belief.

Recent Posts

  • What is Scaffolding in Child Development?
    Have you ever wondered how children develop new skills or how they begin to make new connections and learn new concepts? How do they learn to talk, understand language, and communicate? Have you ever considered how they develop physical skills so that they can crawl, then walk, run, jump, climb, and manipulate objects, such as …
  • 8 Brilliant Dinosaur Books For Pre-school Children
    What is the most exciting topic in the early years? Why dinosaurs, of course! What could be more exciting than learning about enormous reptiles that lived two hundred and forty-five million years ago? Dinosaurs that came in all kinds of shapes and sizes that hatched out of eggs and could grow to the size of …
  • Cutting with Scissors: Tips for Teaching Kids
    Cutting with scissors sounds so simple, doesn’t it? We take so much for granted as adults that sometimes we forget how much new learning happens when we grasp a new skill like learning to cut using a pair of scissors.  How Do I Know My Child Is Ready to Use Scissors? Even though they may …

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